Set during the Ming dynasty, the drama revolves around the food bureau of the imperial palace. The food bureau, established by the Yong Le Emperor, recruits women who are talented in cooking. After a tough selection, Yao ZiJin manages to enter the food bureau as a palace maid. She meets Yin ZiPing, a former beggar and Su YueHua, a genius cook. The three of them compete and cooperate as they advance through the ranks, coming up with unique cuisines which incorporate Chinese medicine, and also re-creating old classic famous dishes. Yao ZiJin, however, has a past connection to the palace that she struggles to repress but that also puts her in danger once she catches the eye of the Imperial Grandson. Court intrigue, social politics and three emperors' reigns expand the plot beyond the food bureau.
From September 20,Weekdays, 17:30GMT,1 episode